$38,000 Donated to Providing Community, Food, and Dignity to DFW Homeless Population

As many of you know, Nail & Key Real Estate Group started non-profit Prodigal Projects earlier this year to provide community, good food and dignity to those experiencing homelessness in DFW. The past four months have been a whirlwind of exciting ministry! We are blown away at how so many of you have teamed up with us in this important mission.

Take a look at these astounding numbers from the first few months of Prodigal Projects:

Nail & Key Real Estate Group Donation Total - $38,000

Personal Donation Total - $5,000

Nearly 450 homeless guests served over 4 Feast Days, made possible by 220 volunteers!

Excited guest at Feast Day #4!

Excited guest at Feast Day #4!

We have built some excitement around Feast Day in the homeless community...every week we are hearing of more and more people asking "When's the next Feast Day?" or "What's on the menu?" It's an exciting feeling knowing that you have something that people look forward to attending. Good food is a contributing factor, but I don't believe it's what gets people excited. There's something more intangible about Feast Day that really draws people in. I think it's the level of communication and the intimacy of a shared meal. Not just between homeless and homeless but between the sheltered and the unsheltered. Community is a two-way street and our mission can only be achieved through serving others and realizing how often we too must be served. I think that is why our guests are so happy to be a part of Feast Day...because they see their part in the bigger picture. This isn't charity work, it's the Lord's will. 

Read this moving story overheard by Prodigal Projects co-founder Davis Scott at the most recent Feast Day:

”Feast Day #4 was awesome last night! We served a record 150 guests and were blessed to connect with so many new faces. One of my favorite things to do during dinner is float around the room and hear people swapping stories. There was a particularly profound moment last night that I wanted to share:

When one of our volunteers asked their new friend point-blank how it felt to not know where they're going to sleep each night, they responded with this quote:

"It's like being a little kid and you've done something wrong so you're hiding in the corner so that mom and dad can't find you. You're ashamed of what you've done and just hope nobody finds you."

This is exactly why the restoration of dignity as a human being is central to the Prodigal Projects mission. So much of a person is stripped away when they live on the street which inevitably leads to the belief that they are unworthy in the eyes of God. This couldn't be further from the truth! Every soul in that room is loved equally by our Creator and that is where our true worth is found.”

I'd encourage you to come dine with us at our next Feast Day on October 25th. You can sign up at www.prodigalprojects.com. Can't wait to see you then!