Noah thacher

(214) 708-3498‬ //

I am originally from Midland, Texas and went off to Texas A&M for college. After graduating in 2014, I spent the first several years of my career in the non-profit sector. My wife, Rachel, and I got married in 2016, spent some time overseas, and then had a little girl, Ellie, in December of 2019. After starting our family and buying a house of our own, I was drawn to real estate. The home buying process can be a little overwhelming, and I love that I have the opportunity to simplify the process for my clients and give them confidence to make such a life-changing purchase. After my first year as an agent, I joined Nail & Key, and I am so thankful to now be surrounded by such an incredible team of people! My wife, Rachel, and I also serve on the worship team at our church, Antioch Dallas, and we love the community that we are surrounded by there. Our son, Oliver, was born in October of 2022, and, when I am not on the job, I love spending time with my sweet family and community.

Beverage of Choice:

Bubble Tea

Current obsession:

Any Disney movie my daughter Ellie is watching.

Can't live without:

Good music

Favorite Meal in DFW:

Pak Pao in the Design District, Best Thai food in DFW!

Favorite Team to root for:

Texas A&M - Gig Em!

What do you love about your job:

Helping people create a space for their family and community to thrive.

Interesting Fact:

My wife and I lived in Zambia, Africa for a few years after getting married.

Enneagram Number:

9 wing 1